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Special key modules and features at PaperTracker Software

Sales Order Management

PaperTracker allows the sales representatives to transfer or enter the order data which will help the production team for planning and scheduling the production activities. Orders and order items are quickly and easily created or can be imported from external ERP systems.

Production Planning and Scheduling

Based on the sales order entry production planning module allows you production planning, quality checking, finishing and packing activities. Modules allow you to capture the Jumbo Roll production details like Parent Roll No, Date/Shift, Lot No, GSM, Quality of the roll, Weight and etc., these details will carry forward to re-winder and allows you to track to capture the child reel data with length, dia and weight of the child reel. At every process unique barcode will be generated for the tracking purpose. System allows you to track the child reel produced for sheeter planning for effective yield purpose. Then system will generate the unique pallet card with barcode for the packing advice.

Production Quality Tracking

This module allows you to check the quality parameters and allows you to process for the next stage of production or to reject or to hold the items.

Packing and Finishing

This module allows you to check the mode of packing for particular order number and based on that the system instruct the user for mode of packing(Ex: Reel, Bundle, Ream, Pallet, Bulk, Cotton Box Packing). Based on the mode of packing system will allow you to generate unique label with barcode for traceability

Warehouse Management

This module allows you to manage the warehouse activities. It helps you to locate the material and allows you to check the stock availability. Applications delivers real-time intelligence reports to mobile device, keeping you connected to the sales team and production team.

Loading and Transport Management

This module allows you to prepare the delivery order based on the sales order. Once the Delivery order is generated the pick list will be prepared systematically using FIFO method and the pick list will be printed. System allows you to generate the pick list via handheld device, based on that system shows the location where the item to be picked. Based on that the material will be loaded in the vehicle and dispatch summary will be generated automatically. At the same time dispatch summary will be moved to the ERP or any other integrated application.

Benefits of PaperTracker Software

  • Production Scheduling and Capacity Planning
  • Production Loss tracking at every stage
  • Lot identification
  • All production View milestone completions with updates directly
  • Shop Floor Data Collection
  • Easily tracking of WIP
  • Job Tracking Reports
  • Standard Vs. Actual Report
  • Various customized reports
  • Reverse Tracking of Production for defect tracking
  • Warehouse Tracking
  • Track the order at what stage
  • Machine Down time Tracking
  • Provides a complete array of inventory reports
  • Indicates for pre-receiving of inventory

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